Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday Fun

Andy and I have a tradition - on the first Saturday of every month we go to Whataburger for breakfast. He gets a cinnamon roll ,and I get a taquito. Then we go to Home Depot for the building project.
Today Andy built a firehouse bank. He did a great job. The fire department was there with a couple of firetrucks for the kids to explore, and that got those kids really excited. Andy has the sun in his eyes for the picture on the firetruck - he looks upset, but he was having a blast.

I like the bank. As you can see on top of the bank, Home Depot is trying to teach the kids a good lesson - There are dividing walls inside the bank to keep the money separate, for saving, sharing, and spending. Andy emptied my loose change from the Tahoe into his bank....pennies and nickels into the saving and sharing slots, and quarters into the spending slot!! Smart little cookie.

1 comment:

  1. That's a good way to build a bank! Remember when I talked to you and Jamie about saving that way....we didn't build a firehouse bank though...I think we bowls...
