Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recent Activities of My Little Buddy

The weather has been nice today so Andy and I went to the park and played with some Tonka toys. I see kids in my practice, and I see kids even the age of Andy who ignore me and just stare at the screens on their GameBoys or iPods. It drives me nuts! But my son likes the basics - trucks, cars, trains. We built an entire road today at the park with his dump truck and bull dozer. We didn't even need a permit from the city. The two photos below are from this past weekend (notice he was in a jacket Sunday...and today shorts - Texas weather!). Andy and his cousins discovered this weekend that there was a "pirate ship" that must have gone down in Mammy and Papa's back yard a long time ago. They spent the weekend excavating for buried treasures. They found an old treasure chest that looked suspiciously like a cigar box from mine and my folk's recent trip to Peru, lots of gold and silver, that was oddly enough similar to modern day American currency, an ancient pocket watch that was still running, and many pirate tools, one piece that was quite similar to a modern day Sears Craftsman Phillips-head screwdriver. The most exciting discovery was this "pirate flag," that Andy uncovered. The pirates had protected it by placing it in an old cylindrical container, a vessel that no doubt modern day coffee companies have modeled coffee cans after. You just have to love the imagination of a child. I am grateful that my Mom and Dad get such a kick out of entertaining the kids and creating these memories. If you are spending time worried about the stock market, a stimulus package, what's gonna happen to health care, or anything else...spend a little time with a 4 year old. It's therapeutic to me.


  1. We had as much fun as they did!! And I think it was very smart of the coffee companies to model their cans after that ancient container with the flag!


  2. How fun! It looks like Andy and your dad were having a great time!
