Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Great Weekend

This past weekend with Andy was a lot of fun. We went to the car show with Papa. The car show was cool to Andy because there were plenty of brown cars and snacks. You see, brown is Andy's favorite color, and having a snack is one of his past times.
The first picture is Andy with a Corvette, which was "sorta brown, and really fast," according to Andy.
The next picture is Andy enjoying a story with his Papa. The story was a quite entertaining one about a train.
In the evening, I took Andy to see a movie called "Hotel for Dogs." The movie was pretty funny, and Andy loved it. I let him feast on Twizzler sticks and Coke, and he needed FOUR trips to the bathroom during the movie. He was so hyped up on sugar and caffeine that he was awake until around midnight, literally bouncing off the walls. I might have spoiled him a little, but I will never forget the joy he had!


  1. He looks very natural in front of that Corvette. You saving for one yet?


  2. I think the story about the train was the most interesting part of the day....except for the coffee....oh yeah, and the neat cars....but most of all spending time with my son and grandson...papa

  3. Well, what a cool dad!! I only let mine have water at movies just for that reason....just think if ONE kid had to go 4 times...we'd miss half the show! HA!
    Glad you have a blog!
