Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Andy the Bath Lion

I tend to get busy...physically, emotionally, and mentally. As my business is growing and evolving, I confess that I tend to forget the things in life that really matter. Andy reminds me of this. His agenda is simply this: 1. play. 2. play. 3. snack. 4. play. Bath time is always a treat. He plays so long in the bath that the water turns cold and his little hands and feet turn into prunes. This picture is of Andy getting out of the tub tonight and wrapping up in his lion towel that was a Christmas gift from Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mike.


  1. I didn't even know this post was on here. This picture is adorable!! Most blogs have the most recent post just show up on top. I guess you have yours set up differently. I've been checking every day for a new post. Guess I better look further and see if there are any more that I've missed.

    I love you both!!!

    Mom & Mammy

  2. This is the first blog I have ever been in/on. It is nice, good message and cute pics of Andy. I have also enjoyed picking out my Porche from your link to the Porche web site.

    Well done sir, well done.

  3. he is just too cute!

    love you guys!

  4. What a cutie! Now, I will be checking your blog as well Jennifer's and Jenni's. It's a great way to keep up with all of you.

    Love you,
